How to order Stamp 4 in Ireland
February 17, 2016Here I will explain, or at least tell you how we ask the Stamp 4 in Ireland, for Brazilians(as) married(as) with European, (not Irish), in our case it is Spanish with Brazilian, o Stamp 4 is the visa entitling them to permanent residence and the right to work normally (full-time) na Ireland, indefinitely. I put (not Irish) because I know that some things change, but I do not know exactly what changes.
We request this visa, because everything is easier with him, and not have to pay 300 euros as the student visa, Stamp 2. Just so you understand, I have dual citizenship, Brazilian and Spanish (see text on how to get the Spanish citizenship), Pri has only the Brazilian for now.
We arrived in Ireland in May 2015, and soon we were already behind the documents necessary, do not think the process is fast because it is somewhat time consuming, It was formerly a little faster, but now they claim that a lot of people asking, and how in order of arrival…ever seen right.
There are several types of requests, ours was the student model, because I was a student, see which fits in their case, Here I will describe the European student and we ship, but in this form (click here) have the necessary documents to other cases also.
Documents required to apply for Stamp 4:
- form EU1 filled (
click here) - Wedding certificate, in our case, we registered our marriage it was a Brazilian certificate, the Spanish consulate, so we have two marriage certificates a Brazilian and a Spanish, (marriage certificate), see how to register the marriage of a Spanish with a Brazilian , we send the 2 and also send a certified translation of 2 in English.
- original passports from both, European and Brazilian (today we find the comments of the groups that do not send more original, only copy, but confirm);
- 2 Photos each (same size as the Passport Photo)
- Rent contract house in Ireland.
- Register the rent on the PRTB, here in Ireland when you rent a house, the correct and it is your right, It is to register the rent that organ (PRTB), the landlord must make this record, many of them do not, but the fact is that, ask him to register with the couple's name, It can not be only in the name of one of 2, so before us renting the house, we had to ask if the rental agreement would be registered, because of that the house search was a little harder;
- Proof of address, water bill, light, gas, or internet in the name 2, we put the electric bill in the name 2, or you can send the water in the name of one and the light in the other name, but have to prove that you 2 They live together at the same address
- bank account in Ireland , with enough income for you to survive, We send the extract with at least 3 thousand euros for each account, but they do not specify what the amount needed to Stamp 4, they specify only for Stamp 2 (student), so we went by that logic. This is one of the documents that are slow to get ready, for Ireland to open an account in a bank for a student who, takes about 1 month, because first you have to go to the bank, schedule a day to open the account, usually they mark to a week later, there you have to take some correspondence with your address in his name, in our case we took a letter from the school that we had to ourselves we post (sim, that's right), We still did not have anything in our name and then after another week they give you the account number, after another week they send you the bank card password, and extract, super quiet lol;
- Health insurance, in our case we present travel insurance, they accepted, I do not know if we were lucky or not, but I have heard many cases that have not accepted and had to do besides travel insurance, a health insurance even.
- Document proving that we were studying;(school chart with start date and end of the course)
All such documents (Attention in our process to apply for Stamp 4, we had to send the original documents, But some people who have made the process after only sent copies) They should be sent by mail (registered letter) for Immigration, the address below:
EU Treaty Rights
Irish Naturalisation and Immigration Service
13/14 Burgh Quay
Dublin 2
We were able to gather all these documents, after a little more than a month living in Dublin.
After all send and stay apprehensive, because you can not travel, to work, a lot of original documents there, to see the answer, migration took 7 weeks to answer our request, some time ago the answer took less than a month, some people are talking now, It is taking in the surrounding 12 weeks.
After that came the reply letter saying that they had approved the request, with all our original documents, We went on immigration, the queue is the same students, in order of arrival, we went at lunch, after school and managed to get a password, We stayed there all afternoon, we were only seen at the end of the day. Immigration is necessary to go to the couple.
On that day they give you the Stamp 4 provisional, which is valid for 6 months, with it you can travel, work normally and in the meantime, they sent another letter requesting some documents, which had already sent, but sent back, and finally the 6 months passed and they sent another letter, telling you to go get the visa 5 years.
In our case, temporary visa 6 months ended on 16 January 2016, the first letter we received, they spoke a month before the letter would reach the final, this letter has not arrived a month before, and it was already close to the visa expires and we had a trip scheduled, we were very apprehensive and immigration in the meantime, ask if there was problem of traveling and they said that within the visa of Pri she could travel, but after he won not, and that was long anyway, to have many requests and that the letter would arrive soon, the letter came 2 weeks after seeing the Pri have won. There were immigration again, we tried by 2 Password times at lunch, We did not get, there were the third time 18h and then got password and was very calm and finally the Stamp 4 definitivo.Se your passport has less validity than 5 years, they give you a visa until the expiration date of your passport, but when you're taking a new passport, only lead to new license in immigration and they give you the visa for the remaining time that is described in his letter.
So in short, to avoid problems, it is important to travel with Stamp 4 valid.
I hope that has cleared up some doubts. Good luck to all!
Hello! I have a doubt, They two were studying or only Pri?
Boa noite pessoal.
Meu marido tá no processo do Stamp 4. A imigração pede comprovação de endereço, não temos, moramos em casa compartilhada e não é registrada. Podemos comprovar o endereço de alguma forma já que estamos aqui na Irlanda há 8 meses e ainda não conseguimos nenhuma casa para nós? Alguém que passou pela mesma situação se puder ajudar, agradeço…