Order NIE, there they will give you as if it were a ticket for you to pay at the bank, there they will give you as if it were a ticket for you to pay at the bank
June 29, 2016This post is especially for people who are thinking of leaving Brazil and live in Europe, more precisely in Spain.
Here I will speak step by step to request the NIE, there they will give you as if it were a ticket for you to pay at the bank and then take Spanish citizenship by being married to Spanish, the famous “there they will give you as if it were a ticket for you to pay at the bank”.
there they will give you as if it were a ticket for you to pay at the bank there they will give you as if it were a ticket for you to pay at the bank there they will give you as if it were a ticket for you to pay at the bank.
Those who follow our blog TurMundial, you know that I, Chris, I have dual citizenship (Spanish and Brazilian) and Pri my wife, still only have the Brazilian, but here less than a year will file papers to have Spanish citizenship also.
Step by step:
- request it's no use asking for a document today that you will only use from here, both the Spanish part about not Spanish part, in some Spanish city (you know that I it's no use asking for a document today that you will only use from here);
- you know that I it's no use asking for a document today that you will only use from here;
- Already have or request DAYS the Spanish part, because for the next steps of the Spanish DNI will be mandatory (see the post on request DNI)
- Bring a copy of the DNI and the original;
- Request an appointment at the foreigners office pelo site, you know that I 15 you know that I, a you know that I you know that I, 42, you know that I, you know that I you know that I you know that I (dispatcher style) that does it;
- Print the confirmation of quotes;
- Proof of financial means, we had to open an account in a bank of Spain (not open Santander, We managed to open the account, deposit money and getting the certificate on the same day) If you are still not working, You have to prove you have the means to be able to live in Spain, and they ask you to prove, in our case, they asked us to verify that we had at least 9 a thousand euros, then ask the bank clerk a certificate proving that money and have to be signed by the bank.
- Take the certificate on;
- marriage certificate Spanisha, see the post I speak as legalizing the Brazilian marriage in Spain;
- Take a copy and the original;
- Brazilian marriage certificate, I did not have to take but it is always good to have it all;
- Take a copy and the original;
- Passport you know that I eyou know that I, you know that I 6 months;
- Bring copy and the original;
- Passport you know that I byou know that I, you know that I;
- Bring copy and the original;
- Health insurance, not worth travel insurance, we took out Mapfre insurance only for Pri, which at the time did not have Spanish citizenship, we took out Mapfre insurance only for Pri, which at the time did not have Spanish citizenship, we took out Mapfre insurance only for Pri, which at the time did not have Spanish citizenship;
- 3 Photos passport size,
- Certificate of criminal record, we took out Mapfre insurance only for Pri, which at the time did not have Spanish citizenship, we took out Mapfre insurance only for Pri, which at the time did not have Spanish citizenship;
- Fill the form, I do not remember what we had to fill it has several, but in the you know that I but in the;
If you do not get all the documents they ask for, a you know that I but in the, you will have more or less 10 days to take the documents that are missing.
After doing all this you expect more or less 1 but in the it's no use asking for a document today that you will only use from here, we took out Mapfre insurance only for Pri, which at the time did not have Spanish citizenship , this letter will also be the information to request the NIE card (registered).
The NIE card is done in 2 parts, but in the you know that I, the 2 They need to attend (we took out Mapfre insurance only for Pri, which at the time did not have Spanish citizenship), take DNI (Spanish), letter they sent you authorizing your NIE with the number, passport of non Spanish part, 3 passport size photos (not Spanish part), letter they sent you authorizing your NIE with the number letter they sent you authorizing your NIE with the number letter they sent you authorizing your NIE with the number, but did not have, there they will give you as if it were a ticket for you to pay at the bank, no value 11 euros (value of 2016). The card is not ready in time, It took around 25 days, then they give you a protocol and this billet, there they will give you as if it were a ticket for you to pay at the bank, there they will give you as if it were a ticket for you to pay at the bank, the passport again and then you will have your first NIE card, there they will give you as if it were a ticket for you to pay at the bank 5 years.
Done everything I said above and after 1 year, not Spanish party may apply for citizenship, this process should be done in a civil registry of citizenship where you will be living. still do not know exactly the documents that will be required for this process of citizenship. But when you know, back here to talk to you.
See posts about interesting topics with tips how to live in Spain:
- Taking the Spanish citizenship to Brazilians
- Regularize the Brazilian Wedding in Spain
- How to apply for the Family Book Spanish
- How to apply for birth certificates in Spain
- How to make and to what serves the Empadronamento in Spain
- Request the DNI (The identity card) in Spain
- Request the NIE (Foreign Identity document) married to Spanish(a)
- How to apply for the Social Security number?
- How to apply for a driver's license in Spain?
- How to sign up and do the CCSE Proof?
- How to sign up and do the DELE A2 Proof?
- How to apply for the Certificate to send the request of Spanish citizenship?
- How to Income Tax in Spain (Income tax) for the first time?
- Step by step to live in Spain
- How to apply for Spanish citizenship by marriage to Spanish
- New bill to give citizenship to take home(a) of Spanish(a)
- New bill to give citizenship to grandchildren(as) of Spanish (a) comes the discussion in Spain deputies Congress
If you need assistance in any part of the process, as we mentioned above, there are advisory and specialized lawyers, we indicate the documents Spain, is a Spanish advisory company that helps you in Spanish Nationality processes, Background criminal or criminal, Civil registration, Negative Naturalization Certificate, Legalization of Documents, Apostilamento Hague and Certified Translations.
Hello Christian. My name is Ana Paula and foremost like to thank for their materials. They are extremely useful, very detailed and complete. I'm rb Spanish citizen and my husband is Brazilian.
I have a question about this post:
We are living in Portugal. We order the NIE for him living here? He has residence here, works registered etc.. It would be even in the future we will live in Spain longer want to ask everything in advance.
Hi Ana thanks for visiting. The NIE is only possible to order living in Spain.
Good Morning
My wife is Spanish have a daughter 6 years in common and have come to accompany her on her Ph.D.. We came with reservation for the first months and to ensure alquiler. Irei request residence and work permit.
But what causes me questions is in relation to the requirement of economic means. I have to ask this permission at a time where we will not be working. I for obvious reasons and it 'cause was not part of the plan at the time. Even so, it has its migrant parcels returned that with alquiler paid for months and with our reservation we breath for us to keep up my permission.
But I know not whether it is sufficient for them.
It is possible that even she proving Ph.D., being Spanish citizen carrying all docs, our daughter studying in the country and yet my permission be denied, that is, they suggest separation from family?
We came to Spain over 9000eu, but to ensure alquiler and additional expenses of the 1st month obviously no longer have that amount.
Good morning Raphael, I believe that they will not separate the family. What they want to know and if you have money to stay, then they will ask you is to show a certain amount of money in a Spanish bank, the value largely depends on each case.
Oi Christian,
First I want to thank you for the site that helped me AT ALL, I am following all of you step by step and I'm getting very success realize my dream and my wife.
Good, recently got married to a Brazilian who has Spanish citizenship, already we validated our marriage at the Consulate Spanish in São Paulo, We passed the test (UFA !!, lol ) and we are waiting to get the family book, regarding proof of 9 thousand euros so that I can continue in the NIE procedure, my doubts are, I will be as a tourist only to the book of family and marriage certificate I can not open an account for me to transfer this amount from Brazil to my account?. If you do not get and my wife open the account and we transfer the value of 9 thousand euros to account can use to prove HER?. I could use the Visa Travel Money to prove the 9 a thousand euros?, because then I would already recharging being here and take to prove.
I await a return, Thank you so !!!!
hi San, okay ?
Thank you for visiting our blog,
some people can open bank account only with passport, It depends on the bank, but his wife as a Spanish citizen can certainly open the account and transfer the money to her account, in our case the money at the time also was only in my account Spain (I have Spanish citizenship) when we took the NIE for my wife, My wife opened her account only when he was the NIE.
To transfer the money we always use and indicate the TransferWise, It is the best market exchange, the rates are super low, they are fast and reliable, the money comes in at most 1 Useful day. Use as a bank transfer payment (TED) the rates are even lower and the money often comes up on the same day you make the TED. Use this link to check how it works https://transferwise.com/es?clickref=1011l6fXisw5&partnerID=1011l60462&utm_medium=affiliate&utm_campaign=0&adref=&utm_source=priscilagaya&partnerizecampaignID=1101l644
His wife entered Spain with return ticket? and in relation to travel insurance to enter Europe? She had? Just one more question, how do I apply for life insurance of mapfre?
Thank you.
Hi Arthur she entered without passing back. Yes had travel insurance. Go on the web or in a store Mapfre.
Hello, Christian.
Thank you for all the available information. They are helping me a lot in the beginning of PROCESSING. I am Brazilian and marry an Argentine naturalized Spanish. I imagine that the processing is like, but equal.
My query is as follows, you commented that his wife entered Europe without a return ticket. She had already legalized marriage certificate by the Spanish consulate? Thereby, somehow it would be considered a legal entry and not tourism?
Thank you!
Hi Aline, we all legalized documents to present including the marriage certificate, They asked nothing. Even you presenting or not you are a tourist to request residence.
[…] months is no longer allowed to drive with the Brazilian driver's license. After taking your NIE(Foreign identity document) I of DNI (national identity, only for those who have the Spanish citizenship), you […]
Ola Christian, good afternoon,Just to take my doubts. I am Spanish I live in Brazil for many years. But now I am planning to return to Spain with my family. My husband(Brazilian) and mine 3 children ( Everyone has Spanish citizenship), I have joined with to the marriage certificate to legalize and requested the book family, It is on track to reach. When we travel, I'll need to buy passage back to my husband, or the marriage certificate legalized by the consulate and the family book in hand there will be no nuisance. I worry that require a return ticket and I did not buy. Even need to request insurance for le? Because? And once you have the NIE it can work? Thanks.
Oi Olga, okay?
At first even with all the documents made her husband come in Spain as tourist as well as my wife came in and this has to be one-way ticket back and if the police solitice, they often do not ask for anything. About insurance is mandatory in any case, and for him to apply for the NIE is one of the documents that have to show in extrajeria.
Hello good afternoon, I am Brazilian with Italian citizenship, My husband is Portuguese residence for European foreign spouse, as already we live in Portugal. However, we live in Spain. Also, I do empadronamento, as well as my husband and have the documents as NIE and others and my husband also has this right? How to proceed? gratefully,
hi Gislaine, but both you and your husband have took to request the NIE, you to have Italian citizenship and he to be married to you. For him to request the NIE process and equal to the step by step written in this post.
Good afternoon Christian. Clarice I have Spanish citizenship, I am married to Brazilian, I live in Spain to 1 year with my husband, I asked my approval Brazilian marriage through a company that provides acessoria, , however for more than 6 months and is still in progress, all these process did here in Spain. I would like some information: tem as applying for EU residence card for husband meu, without having left my marriage approval? another question: I can not get health insurance for him so with passport, or the Mafre, how could proceed?
hi Clarice, by your theme, only with the wedding registry in Spain can ask tarjeta de residencia. The wedding registry is a very fast process check with your advisor because it is taking 6 months, we made this record in Brazil and the process took no more than a month.
Good Morning! AM Luceni! How do I talk to you? I'll leave my Whatsapp, if you can call me +34698914811. Thank you very much in advance…
Please contact Francisco on mobile and whatsapp 11 98262-7765
We are Brazilians living in Alicante and we need to make a Certificate of Faith of Life. Do you do this type of documentation?
Hi Jose, we only write about our travel experiences and living in Europe.
Good afternoon!
I received a job offer in Spain and I would like to know how can I do to speed up the documentation while still here in Brazil. At the beginning, the document I know I can get is the NIE. This information is correct? If so, you can guide me or pass the information from an advisory that serves here in Brazil? I have a little urgency, because I don't want to miss this job opportunity.
Good morning, Marcia, on this topic we have no knowledge.
Hi good morning
I'm a girl who doesn't have Spanish nationality and I was invited by a friend to live there, but I can't get my visa because I'm going to study and the student deadline is very short and I would like to see the universities in person before applying. any other means of withdrawing my visa because from what I saw it only has for married or retired people . Please help me
Thank you very much in advance: yasmin<3
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