Solicitar NIE, Permissão de Residência e Trabalho, para cônjuge de Espanhol

Order NIE, there they will give you as if it were a ticket for you to pay at the bank, there they will give you as if it were a ticket for you to pay at the bank

June 29, 2016 26 By Christian Gutierrez and Priscilla Gutierrez

This post is especially for people who are thinking of leaving Brazil and live in Europe, more precisely in Spain.

Here I will speak step by step to request the NIE, there they will give you as if it were a ticket for you to pay at the bank and then take Spanish citizenship by being married to Spanish, the famous “there they will give you as if it were a ticket for you to pay at the bank”.

there they will give you as if it were a ticket for you to pay at the bank there they will give you as if it were a ticket for you to pay at the bank there they will give you as if it were a ticket for you to pay at the bank.

Those who follow our blog TurMundial, you know that I, Chris, I have dual citizenship (Spanish and Brazilian) and Pri my wife, still only have the Brazilian, but here less than a year will file papers to have Spanish citizenship also.

Step by step:

  1. request it's no use asking for a document today that you will only use from here, both the Spanish part about not Spanish part, in some Spanish city (you know that I it's no use asking for a document today that you will only use from here);
    1. you know that I it's no use asking for a document today that you will only use from here;
  2. Already have or request DAYS the Spanish part, because for the next steps of the Spanish DNI will be mandatory (see the post on request DNI)
    1. Bring a copy of the DNI and the original;
  3. Request an appointment at the foreigners office pelo site, you know that I 15 you know that I, a you know that I you know that I, 42, you know that I, you know that I you know that I you know that I (dispatcher style) that does it;
    1. Print the confirmation of quotes;
  4. Proof of financial means, we had to open an account in a bank of Spain (not open Santander, We managed to open the account, deposit money and getting the certificate on the same day) If you are still not working, You have to prove you have the means to be able to live in Spain, and they ask you to prove, in our case, they asked us to verify that we had at least 9 a thousand euros, then ask the bank clerk a certificate proving that money and have to be signed by the bank.
    1. Take the certificate on;
  5. marriage certificate Spanisha, see the post I speak as legalizing the Brazilian marriage in Spain;
    1. Take a copy and the original;
  6. Brazilian marriage certificate, I did not have to take but it is always good to have it all;
    1. Take a copy and the original;
  7. Passport you know that I eyou know that I, you know that I 6 months;
    1. Bring copy and the original;
  8. Passport you know that I byou know that I, you know that I;
    1. Bring copy and the original;
  9. Health insurance, not worth travel insurance, we took out Mapfre insurance only for Pri, which at the time did not have Spanish citizenship, we took out Mapfre insurance only for Pri, which at the time did not have Spanish citizenship, we took out Mapfre insurance only for Pri, which at the time did not have Spanish citizenship;
  10. 3 Photos passport size,
  11. Certificate of criminal record, we took out Mapfre insurance only for Pri, which at the time did not have Spanish citizenship, we took out Mapfre insurance only for Pri, which at the time did not have Spanish citizenship;
  12. Fill the form, I do not remember what we had to fill it has several, but in the you know that I but in the;

If you do not get all the documents they ask for, a you know that I but in the, you will have more or less 10 days to take the documents that are missing.

After doing all this you expect more or less 1 but in the it's no use asking for a document today that you will only use from here, we took out Mapfre insurance only for Pri, which at the time did not have Spanish citizenship , this letter will also be the information to request the NIE card (registered).

The NIE card is done in 2 parts, but in the you know that I, the 2 They need to attend (we took out Mapfre insurance only for Pri, which at the time did not have Spanish citizenship), take DNI (Spanish), letter they sent you authorizing your NIE with the number, passport of non Spanish part, 3 passport size photos (not Spanish part), letter they sent you authorizing your NIE with the number letter they sent you authorizing your NIE with the number letter they sent you authorizing your NIE with the number, but did not have, there they will give you as if it were a ticket for you to pay at the bank, no value 11 euros (value of 2016). The card is not ready in time, It took around 25 days, then they give you a protocol and this billet, there they will give you as if it were a ticket for you to pay at the bank, there they will give you as if it were a ticket for you to pay at the bank, the passport again and then you will have your first NIE card, there they will give you as if it were a ticket for you to pay at the bank 5 years.

Done everything I said above and after 1 year, not Spanish party may apply for citizenship, this process should be done in a civil registry of citizenship where you will be living. still do not know exactly the documents that will be required for this process of citizenship. But when you know, back here to talk to you.

See posts about interesting topics with tips how to live in Spain:

If you need assistance in any part of the process, as we mentioned above, there are advisory and specialized lawyers, we indicate the documents Spain, is a Spanish advisory company that helps you in Spanish Nationality processes, Background criminal or criminal, Civil registration, Negative Naturalization Certificate, Legalization of Documents, Apostilamento Hague and Certified Translations.

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