February 3, 2017
Restaurant Mirador de Les Caves
By Christian Gutierrez and Priscilla GutierrezWant a hint of a tour and a good restaurant nearby Barcelona? Fomos uma vez no Restaurante Mirador…
Travel tips
Want a hint of a tour and a good restaurant nearby Barcelona? Fomos uma vez no Restaurante Mirador…
In this episode of the webseries Minute Barcelona, TurMundial the blog show the beautiful Basilica Santa Maria del Mar, In our opinion…
In today's episode of the webseries Minute Barcelona, come meet us another amazing work of the architect Antoni Gaudi, o mestre…
O que fazer com seu filho numa viagem a Barcelona aqui listamos algumas atrações da cidade para você levar seu…
script 4 day in Barcelona, what to do in Barcelona, what are the main landmarks of Barcelona? El Born, one…
In today's episode of the webseries Minute Barcelona, o blog do TurMundial passeia por uma das ruas mais famosas de…
In this video webseries Minute Barcelona, We are not cute Parque De La Ciutedella. O Parque tem esse nome pois antigamente…
script 3 days in Barcelona, what to do in Barcelona, what are the main attractions of Barcelona? 3 days…
In the third video Minute Barcelona of the webseries TurMundial showing the main sights of Barcelona. Neste vídeo…
Antoni Gaudí was the most important architect of Barcelona and Spain, created the Catalan modernism, sua obras foram inspiradas…